Scott Dixon: New WBU SMW World Champion
Joshua 1 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Friday, 7 September 2012
Fight Saga World Ranking profile - Scott Dixon
Scott Dixon's Super Middle Weight World Ranking profile on Fight Saga.
Fight Saga is an excellent online media portal concerning all things boxing, covering news, stories and reviews from all over the World inside the sporting fight scene. They have the right insight and perspective on the game from an outside fans view, along with their inside knowledge which goes to make Fight Saga one of the top boxing news portals out there.
If you have Facebook, click on their like button and sign up for news and reviews on all things boxing which will go into your daily feeds as and when they upload.
With upwards of nearly 50,000 Facebook members signed up already Fight Saga have their voice within the Boxing World and many people are listening to them to find out and follow what is happening within the sport.
Its great to see they have given Scott his place and profile within the top 5 SMW World Rankings.
Respect to the Fight Saga team.
Website: Fight Saga
Further reading: The 50 cent of Boxing
Joe Calzaghe's 10 year undefeated W.B.O SMW title
Carl Froch I.B.F SMW World Champion - Arthur Abraham W.B.O SMW World Champion with I.B.F Middleweight belt
Scott Dixon W.B.U SMW World Champion
Further reading: Froch is eyeing up the W.B.O SMW title
Carl Froch eyeing up the W.B.O SMW belt
Carl Froch I.B.F SMW World Champion
It looks like England's Carl Froch is also eyeing up the dethroning of the self professed King 'Arthur' with his eyes on the W.B.O SMW World title belt as well.
W.B.O the most coveted belt in the Super Middle Weight division because of its history.
Froch is fighting Yusef Mack from Philadelphia mid November which means a match up between Froch and the German Armenian fraud King 'Arthur' would not take place until possibly Easter next year.
That leaves a space for Arthur Abraham to fight at the end of the year placing his W.B.O belt on the line.
The winner of that fight then fights Froch seen as though Froch already has his eye on the W.B.O.
Would King 'Arthur' place his belt on the line against the W.B.U belt before a tie up with Froch next Easter?
He is a German and the W.B.U is a German sanctioning body. It would be rude of him to refuse the request as he sits on his plastic 'throne' when all things are considered.
Britain's Tyson Fury is also looking for a big fight match up in the Heavyweight division between Ruslev Chagaev as part of his career progression in amongst the Heavyweights that could coincide with a W.B.O v W.B.U SMW World title clash at the end of the year if it was to take place.
ESPN: Steve Bunce "Fury v Chagaev"
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Arthur Abraham v Scott Dixon?
The newly arisen Scottish Warrior of the Super Middle Weight division now within the top 5 SMW World Rankings.
The crowned 'King' of the W.B.O Super Middle Weight who claims to be King 'Arthur', the German Armenian fighter Arthur Abraham.
Could the Scottish Warrior topple the self professed German Armenian 'King' of the Super Middle Weight Division?
Remember the Mel Gibson film "Braveheart" Arthur should watch it with German subtitles.
Off the canvas
Scott Dixon W.B.U SMW World Champion - Steve Martin (Team Dixon)
Steve Collins former W.B.O SMW World Champion
Now that Scott has cemented his position within the Maltese boxing circuit and the World wide Super Middle Weight fighting division by winning his W.B.U World title fight against Baker Barakat on August 25th 2012 at Pembroke stadium Malta he now feels it is time to tell his side of the story concerning the allegations that have been levelled at him and the systematic attempted character assassination through the media that has been waged against him by elements from within the Maltese boxing scene.
Due to the fact that Scott has been preparing mentally and physically for his World title fight all of his energies until this point have been focused upon this so what people have been saying against him or an explanation to any allegations that have been levelled at him have had to take a back seat until now.
Now it is time to fight for his reputation.
As he stated here on a previous article: "“The charges against me are all allegations,” Dixon assures me. “ I wasn’t even in the country. It’s a case of one guy being caught and pointing his finger at somebody else. There are always two sides to a story, and my side is yet to be told. I am innocent until proven guilty,” he said. “When I become champion on Saturday,” Dixon added, “my side of the story will come out, and a lot of people are going to sit up and take note.”
As the Maltese saying goes "oil always comes to the top in water".
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
The 50 cent of Boxing
The W.B.U Super Middle Weight World Champion
This should place him within the top 10 SMW World rankings or even top 5 considering he now owns a World title but that is in the American's hands.
There does not seem to be much fire and inspiration within this division anymore with which to keep boxing fans enthralled with a fighter’s career progression, or add new fans to the sport. It is a division with not much wider appeal at the moment to those outside of the die hard fight fan community. The days of Joe Calzaghe the undefeated W.B.O World Champion with what he brought to the SWM division in and out of the ring have past and the likes of Carl Froch have had British fight fans attention, along with those outside of the sport for a while but Groundhog Day set in and it’s the same old same old although he does sit within the top rankings of the SMW division still and his name is well known within the sport internationally but beyond that who wants to go out of their way to watch his fights?
Then you have the W.B.A diluting the division by having a ‘super’ W.B.A World Champion title and a lesser Champion position which is vacant because nobody wants it. Accusations of paper titles and diluting the sport should be aimed at the W.B.A with that move and it should be called into question and thrown out.
Why would the W.B.A want 2 World title positions within the SMW division?
Who sanctioned that one?
It is Scott Dixon’s personal story in and out of the ring which has led him to the place where he now stands as the new W.B.U SMW Champion of the World, which is a position and title that should replace the phony W.B.A vacant paper title that nobody wants. This brings a bit of added excitement to the sport and especially the SMW division that he fights in which will hopefully add some much needed fire and inspiration for the future. There will obviously be grumblings amongst the other SMW contenders out there who do not currently hold a World title, but that is their own personal response.
Scott Dixon is the new W.B.U SMW Champion of the World.
The question is; who thinks they can take his belt from him? And who wants to try?
Baker Barakat was Scott’s step back into the professional ring and his next fight is his statement.
“Team Dixon” is in place and ready.
Details to follow soon that will bring some added excitement back into the sport in Europe, and across America as the boxing community old and new follow Scott Dixon’s new career progression before he decides he is satisfied with his accomplishments in the sport and retires. Until then as stated above this is a new "unknown quantity" worth watching to see what he can achieve through his boxing talent and sheer determination within the sport and how far can he go?
This is Scott Dixon’s new chapter in his life so beware those serious contenders inside the Super Middle Weight division.
Call him the white 50 cent of boxing and 50 cent went straight to the top.
Read his background: New W.B.U SMW World Champion Scott Dixon
Fight Saga: Shame on the W.B.A
Coach & Mentor Toby Dixon (83)
"Super" Scott Dixon W.B.U SMW World Champion - Steve Collins former W.B.O SMW World Champion
Toby Dixon with the W.B.U SMW World Champion title belt - Steve Martin Maltese boxer (Team Dixon)
Scott hits Fight Saga's World Rankings
Scott and his W.B.U SMW World Title are now up on Fight Saga's World Rankings placing him in the top 5 within the Super Middle Weight division on their platform.
Fight Saga is a credible online source for World boxing news, boxing related information and stories so it is an honour for Scott to now be listed up on their World Rankings along with his W.B.U title.
The SMW division now has another Champion who has come from nowhere with his own
personal story of reaching his position, with him now sitting on the radar of every super middle weight fighter out there and as you can see from the picture he is ready for war in the SMW division.
The Scottish Warrior.
Website: Fight Saga
Keep up to date on all the latest boxing news via Fight Saga Facebook: FS Facebook
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Scott Dixon: New W.B.U SMW World Champion
“It is not the title that makes the man but the man who makes the title”
There is not a better example for that statement than the new W.B.U super middle weight World Champion Scott Dixon who won his hard fought 12 round fight this last Saturday August 25th against Germanys former Champion Baker Barakat, staged in Malta.
There are many contentious voices in the corners of the boxing World who relegate the W.B.U title to nothing more than a paper title compared to the other World titles out there in boxing and that having multiple governing bodies sanctioning titles with an unlimited number of World title belts up for grabs dilutes the sport. This cannot be denied but I would have to now disagree with the W.B.U super middle weight World title and the W.B.U as a sanctioning body after closely following Scott Dixons fight.
In the closely controlled World of boxing anything that does not come out of America is immediately relegated to second place and demonised with its credibility tarnished in the eyes of fight fans old and new by the army of American fight commentators who believe in their own self importance over the sport, so what chance has the W.B.U coming out of Germany got to be recognised, as a credible title worth fighting for by boxers around the World when this army of fans discredits its reputation?
Hopefully Scott Dixon’s profile as the new W.B.U SMW World Champion will go some way to helping the W.B.U gain the recognition it deserves in World boxing and that there will be a serious SMW challenger out there now who wants to fight Scott for his title, what would be even better is if there was another SMW title holder out there already mistakenly thinking that adding the W.B.U to his collection would fill a missing space with which to adore and admire on his mantle piece.
Scott Dixon now stands in the way of that false hope meaning he would have to re-arrange his own mantle piece because he will be missing his own World title belt because it will be now adorning Scott’s new collection.
You know who you are reading this.
For those voices of derision against the W.B.U title I would say to just look below at those few former W.B.U title holders as other big names over the years who have also held the W.B.U at different weight divisions. As the saying at the top goes: “It is not the title that makes the man but the man who makes the title” and each of these fighters below amongst others have etched their names into the history of the W.B.U which nobody can deny gives it the credibility it deserves outside of the closely controlled American boxing circuit.
We will have to now wait and see how the boxing World receives the new W.B.U super middle weight World Champion Scott Dixon and whether or not the W.B.U gets the credit it deserves in World boxing.
Scott’s story that goes into his new position as the W.B.U Champion of the World is one that any fighter and fight fan around the World would have to take a step back and take their hat off to him over. He is a man who has shown what the heart and soul of a boxer is all about in the middle of the sport which has been his lifelong passion and love since his youth and is an endorsement of the sport to all fans past and present.
Triumphant over adversity.
Scott was first introduced to boxing at the tender age of 7 by his grandfather Toby Dixon who at the age of 83 is the oldest active coach in the UK, and is still coaching domestic and World class fighters and Champions to this day.
Scott moved through the amateur rankings and into the professional ring at age 17, and once in the pro-ring he rose to the position of Commonwealth Champion. Sadly though at the height of Scott’s boxing career due to a domestic dispute outside of the ring with elements surrounding the sport in Scotland who Scott was connected to, he was kidnapped from his home, taken to a field and shot, stabbed, had both legs purposely broken along with a severe break to his arm after a crashing blow with a baseball bat aimed at his head. He was then left in a ditch to die.
Close to death Scott showed that fighting spirit that is in all boxers that sees them go the full 12 rounds in the ring and dragged himself barely able and conscience to a place of help and safety. In intensive care it was a life or death situation for him. Thankfully by the grace of God Scott survived the ordeal with the support, encouragement and love of his family that surrounded him.

As far as everyone was concerned Scott’s boxing career was over, with such brutal injuries how could he ever get back into the boxing ring which meant his promising career and the dreams that he once had within the sport were over.
As all boxers will know (either present of former fighters) that hunger and desire to be in the center of the ring which is what boxing is all about never leaves the person, and although Scott lay with his physical body severely damaged he never lost hope within him that one day he would be able to step back into the professional ring to fulfill the dreams he once had before his life was shattered and torn apart by that brutal attack.
Scott left Scotland shortly after his release from hospital and took up residence on the tiny island of Malta in the middle of the Mediterranean along with his Maltese girlfriend at the time whom he has a young daughter with, for the process of recovery and rehabilitation.
He has been living in his adopted Country now for over 7 years which has now seen him come full circle after his years of recovery and rehabilitation, and seen him once again after practicing on the local boxing scene step up and into the professional ring for a second chance and challenge for the W.B.U World title and win. Nobody can say that winning the W.B.U title was an easy route for Scott to attaining his Champion of the World position.
Baker Barakat the former title holder was the K1 champion who stepped up into the professional boxing circuit and claimed the W.B.U SMW belt with 53 fights to his credit.
This is one tough cookie.
Barakat was not a man who was willing to just let go of his World title position, he is a trained professional fighter at the top of his game who was intent on retaining his position against Scott, which to him seemed like a formality considering Scott’s background story and this fight being his first fight back in the professional ring.
The professional heart and soul of Scott driven by his desire to fulfill his dreams in the sport he loves shone through on the night though with Scott taking Barakat the full 12 rounds and then being awarded a split decision by the W.B.U judges, and rightly so with his flare and skill being no match to a one dimensional Barakat. Barakat is just lucky he never got knocked out which shows his heart and spirit in the ring.
Scott pushed himself to his physical limits over those 12 rounds and at the end dropped to the canvas after the fight out of exhaustion, only to then be lifted up by his corner and onto the shoulders of his team as the new W.B.U super middle weight Champion of the World to great jubilation from the Maltese crowd in attendance who were there supporting and cheering Scott on every step of the way.
Scott is an example of the resilience and focus that any professional boxer has, to mentally and physically prepare before fight night ready for those 12 grueling rounds center stage in the ring. It is this resilience and mental focus that was instilled in him as a young boy carving out his own path in the amateur and professional ring guided by his lifelong mentor Toby Dixon his grandfather that he was able to apply in his recovery and rehabilitation from the violent assault that has seen him come through and close that dark chapter of his life with a new chapter now opening..
Scott is now in the top SMW rankings with his name on the lips of several promoters, managers and fighters out there now who see Scott as a worthy challenger for their title belt for that missing space they want to fill on their mantle piece.
Another exciting fight is coming soon between Scott Dixon and whoever it is out there who signs the relevant contracts first.
There is talk of a fight with Arthur Abraham who won the W.B.O on the same night as Scott which could be a good omen for both fighters, it just depends on Abraham’s mentality though.
One thing is for certain is that if Abraham did want a little vacation to Malta the jewel in the Mediterranean to give fight fans around the World an exciting fight to watch and earn some purse money, the Maltese have the infrastructure to host the event. But always keep this in the back of your mind though Abraham “You will be returning back to Germany after your little vacation with your trousers around your ankles and your tail between your legs because you will not have a W.B.O belt to go him with, with which to hold up your position within the SMW division any longer”.
Keep that image in the back of your mind for when you arrive back at the arrivals gate in the Germeny (even better) because Scott will have swiped it from you. Your W.B.O belt will be sitting on Scott's mantle piece along with his W.B.U with him sitting back with his feet up smiling to himself.
So it just depends on your mentality now?
Scott was only firing of half capacity against Barakat, not going into details here but the next fight will see a much more sharp focused and dangerous Scott Dixon, that no one has seen before in him which is what makes him a very dangerous opponent now to any SMW challenger.
Abraham already knows this it just depends on whether or not he believes his focus is sharper making him more dangerous. I go with Scott, not because I support him but because you cannot change reality and whoever steps into the ring next will see that reality just like Baker Barakat did who went home with his trousers around his ankles and tail between his legs without his W.B.U belt.
Call it destiny and it might just be your turn next Arthur.
Watch this space...
Thursday, 9 August 2012
The harsh training camp
(Left to right - 'Slugger' Maltese sparring partner, 'Jap' Scott's conditioning coach and Scott Dixon)
Scott is now in his training zone for his challenge to take Barakat’s W.B.U belt on August 25th. The K1 Champion Baker Barakat is travelling onto the Rock, to fight on the night, one of Britain’s top Super Middle Weight pro-boxers who now resides on the island.
Scott is undefeated in Malta and comes with a pro-boxing career behind him so Barakat as a K1 fighter who has popped his head up in the pro-boxing ring and claimed the W.B.U belt, is entering Scott’s territory on the night.
Scott has a World class conditioning coach preparing him mentally and physically for the fight, so he will be prepared when he enters the ring. He is also sparring with some of Malta’s toughest sparring partners to prepare himself physically.
Scott’s Granddad has given him some wise words of advice from the corner too.
The clash for the W.B.U SMW World title that is being staged in Malta is on.
There is also a missing space in the SMW World rankings for another respected World title.
Further reading: Press release
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
The 'Warrior' spirit
Philippians 3 – Pressing toward the goal
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
This is a big moment for Scott as he enters the pro-ring once again after an absence of several years on the back of a violent assault in Scotland after a domestic dispute which left him fighting for his life.
Scott vowed to himself, to his family and to the Lord above that he would one day return to the boxing pro-ring which is not only his sporting passion in life but also that of his family who have been involved in the sport for decades with his grandfather Toby Dixon (83) the President of Scotland’s boxing hall of fame and also the oldest active coach in the UK which shows you Scott’s fighting pedigree.
With his personal belief, hope, faith and perseverance Scott is now at the fulfilment of that statement he made all those years ago with his sight now set on entering the Pembroke Stadium in Malta and the ring at centre stage to challenge for a World title.
What better comeback to the pro-ring could a professional boxer who has been out of the sport for several years want for.
Scott left Scotland after the brutal attack and travelled to Malta to undergo his recovery and rehabilitation and has been living in Malta now for the past 7 years.
His time living in Malta and being part of the islands boxing scene has had its ups and downs for a foreigner trying to make a way for himself in a foreign Country, and being part of a tough sport with its own characters but that is a story for another time, what is most important here is the fact that Scott is now poised to re-enter the pro-ring on August 25th 2012 at World Class level to challenge Baker Barakat for his W.B.U SMW World title belt.
What seemed like an impossibility to all those around Scott when he lay in intensive care fighting for his life in Scotland all those years ago is now a reality. So when Barakat talks up this fight with Scott stating: “I am going to bring you back to reality”, it is Barakat himself who is entering a reality he does not realise he is entering yet.
He will do when he meets Scott in the centre of the ring when he has no way out and must fight for his life to hold onto the title belt he currently holds.
Call it the part fulfilment of Scott’s destiny and it just so happened to fall upon you Barakat.
So make sure you turn up in August.
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
This is a big moment for Scott as he enters the pro-ring once again after an absence of several years on the back of a violent assault in Scotland after a domestic dispute which left him fighting for his life.
Scott vowed to himself, to his family and to the Lord above that he would one day return to the boxing pro-ring which is not only his sporting passion in life but also that of his family who have been involved in the sport for decades with his grandfather Toby Dixon (83) the President of Scotland’s boxing hall of fame and also the oldest active coach in the UK which shows you Scott’s fighting pedigree.
With his personal belief, hope, faith and perseverance Scott is now at the fulfilment of that statement he made all those years ago with his sight now set on entering the Pembroke Stadium in Malta and the ring at centre stage to challenge for a World title.
What better comeback to the pro-ring could a professional boxer who has been out of the sport for several years want for.
Scott left Scotland after the brutal attack and travelled to Malta to undergo his recovery and rehabilitation and has been living in Malta now for the past 7 years.
His time living in Malta and being part of the islands boxing scene has had its ups and downs for a foreigner trying to make a way for himself in a foreign Country, and being part of a tough sport with its own characters but that is a story for another time, what is most important here is the fact that Scott is now poised to re-enter the pro-ring on August 25th 2012 at World Class level to challenge Baker Barakat for his W.B.U SMW World title belt.
What seemed like an impossibility to all those around Scott when he lay in intensive care fighting for his life in Scotland all those years ago is now a reality. So when Barakat talks up this fight with Scott stating: “I am going to bring you back to reality”, it is Barakat himself who is entering a reality he does not realise he is entering yet.
He will do when he meets Scott in the centre of the ring when he has no way out and must fight for his life to hold onto the title belt he currently holds.
Call it the part fulfilment of Scott’s destiny and it just so happened to fall upon you Barakat.
So make sure you turn up in August.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
The stage is set
The stage has now been set and the countdown has begun for the World title clash in August between Germany's Syrian Baker Barakat and Great Britain's Scottish Scott Dixon for the W.B.U Super Middle Weight Championship of the World title.
Pembroke Stadium Malta August 25th 2012
Info on tickets coming soon...
Monday, 30 July 2012
Guest of honour 'Celtic Warrior' Steve Collins
(James 'Jap'Kavanagh & Steve Collins with the W.B.U SMW title belt )
Ireland's Steve Collins the former W.B.O Super Middle Weight Champion of the World will be guest of honour at the weigh in of the Dixon v Barakat fight and will be presenting the winner on the night with the W.B.U SMW World title belt in the picture above.
In his day Collins beat some of the all time greats of the British fight scene like Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank in the same Super Middle Weight division.
Now retired and reminiscing of his glory days he entertains people around the World with public speeches to dinner guests talking about his time in the ring as World Champion which is where his friend James 'Jap' Kavanagh a fellow Irishman now living in Malta and the rest of the 'Positive Promotion' team who are hosting the Dixon v Barakat fight caught up with him along with fellow boxer Jim Rock to negotiate bringing him to Malta.
Having the 'Celtic Warrior' supporting the fight and presenting the winner with the title belt is a great boost to the prestige of what is at stake on the night.
The title of being W.B.U SMW Champion of the World.
With all eyes watching does Barakat the K1 Champion have what it takes to keep a hold of the title belt when faced with "Super" Scott Dixon in his come back fight to the pro-ring?
('Positive Promotions’ team who are managing “Team Dixon” for the Baker Barakat W.B.U World title fight.
Left to right James ‘Jap’ Kavanagh conditioning coach, Gary Hincks promoter and Ritchie Kinsella manager,
pictured with the W.B.U SMW World title belt.)
Left to right James ‘Jap’ Kavanagh conditioning coach, Gary Hincks promoter and Ritchie Kinsella manager,
pictured with the W.B.U SMW World title belt.)
(Ireland's Big Joe Egan & James 'Jap' Kavanagh with the W.B.U SMW title belt)
(Ireland's Jim Rock , Steve Collins & James 'Jap' Kavanagh with the W.B.U SMW title belt)
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Does he have what it takes?
Germany's Syrian Baker Barakat W.B.U title holder
Boxrec: Statistics
One of the few who have made the transition from K1 to the pro-boxing ring with him currently holding the W.B.U SMW World title belt.
Is he a mickey mouse boxing Champion or does he have want it takes to stand in the pro-ring with real masters of the 'art of boxing'?
If he fights everyone in the K1 World and rule's his weight class which the photo above shows then that is someone worth watching to see if he is able to fight a real boxing World Champion contender like Super Scott Dixon.
Fight night...
Boxrec: Statistics
One of the few who have made the transition from K1 to the pro-boxing ring with him currently holding the W.B.U SMW World title belt.
Is he a mickey mouse boxing Champion or does he have want it takes to stand in the pro-ring with real masters of the 'art of boxing'?
If he fights everyone in the K1 World and rule's his weight class which the photo above shows then that is someone worth watching to see if he is able to fight a real boxing World Champion contender like Super Scott Dixon.
Fight night...
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Press Release
One of Scotland’s top World class boxers ‘Super’ Scott Dixon will be making his come back to the professional ring on August 25th 2012 against Germany’s Baker Barakat at Pembroke Stadium Malta.
Scott will be challenging Baker Barakat for the W.B.U Super Middleweight Championship of the World which is the position that Barakat currently holds.
The prestigious W.B.U belt has been held at different weight divisions by such esteemed World Champion fighters as Ricky Hatton in the Light Welter weight division, Mickey Ward in the Junior Welter weight division, and George Foreman in the Heavy weight division to name just a few.
Scott is a former domestic Scottish and Commonwealth Champion along with being the former W.B.U, W.B.B & W.B.A interim Champion of the World so this upcoming World title fight has all the ingredients to be an explosive contest between two World class athletes who will be fighting for the position of being the W.B.U Super Middleweight Champion of the World.
Baker Barakat will be travelling to Malta to fight in August which is where Scott has been residing for the last 7 years which is good for the sporting profile of the Country on the World boxing stage and will include on the night, the showcasing of several domestic Maltese fighters.
Scott who will be challenging for the W.B.U belt has been boxing since he was 7 years old when his grandfather Toby Dixon first encouraged him to step through the ropes and into the ring. To this day Scott is still guided by his grandfather who at the age of 83 is the oldest active coach in the UK and is still coaching and mentoring domestic Champions at World class level.
Outside of the ring amongst other things Scott works with young problematic kids encouraging them to improve their quality of life through sport.
Scott is a committed Christian, and devoted father to 2 children, Sidney Rose (10) and Toby Jude (5).
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